

Hello. Welcome to my Blog. My original blog is found on I am a Christian with bipolar disorder and living in Singapore. Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness) is mood disorder with extreme mood swings. It is a medical condition that can be treated with medical and other helps. I enjoy writing, photography and making bookmarks and homemade crafts and gifts. I hope to share with you about God's goodness and mercies to me and His sufficient grace through the ups and downs in my life in my struggle with bipolar and other challenges. May all praise and glory be to God! Best Regards, Nancie

My bipolar disorder blog featured in a newspaper in Singapore, The Straits Times (The Sunday Times)

  I took this picture at Changi Beach, Singapore I took this picture at Changi Beach, Singapore Fear not... When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee Isaiah 43:1,2 My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9 Dear Friends, Thanks for stopping by! Thank God for seeing us through almost a month in this new year. Several months ago a reporter from a local newspaper here in Singapore, the Straits Times,  approached me for an interview regarding this blog on Bipolar Disorder - More Than Conquerors: ( ). She was writing on how blogging help people cope with chronic illnesses and asked if I could share my story so that it can help others. This interview was published a few days ago in The Sunday Times, 23 January 2011, Lifestyle section, page 9, and thank God for several readers in Singapore who wrote to let me know they appreciate my sharing of my own experiences plus the resources